Wizkid 2nd babymama blows hot

Binta Diallo Wizkid babymama,  has warned him
to desist from expressing fake love to her son, Ayo, who she named after Wizkid, following series of controversies that trailed the child’s paternity after he denied paternity.
The aggrieved Guinean single mother issued the stern warning to Wizkid via Instagram page dedicated to Wizkid’s three sons, Boluwatife, Ayo and Zion, when he posted a photo of Ayo on the page. According to her, her son, Ayo, is not part of Wizkid’s family because the ‘Soco’ crooner has since denied the child’s paternity and continuously refused to act like his father.  “Stop posting my son here @thebalogunboys my child is not part of your Balogun family just stop with the fake love shit. Nigga need serious help for real, I can’t deal. This deadbeat can follow this page and show fake love to my son here but never bothered to follow my son’s account or be a father to him. Post the kids you love, claimed and are your family”, she wrote.


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