Boko Haram insurgents burnt down three villages

Boko Haram insurgents on Wednesday night burnt down three villages in Konduga Local Government Area of Borno, in an attack that left at least seven people dead. Borno killings The insurgents attacked and set Wanori, Kaleri and Amarwa villages on fire in a two hour operation that began at about 9:00 p.m. Villagers said the insurgents shot indiscriminately, looted food items before setting the villages on fire. Competent security sources told NAN that the insurgents were sighted on motorcycles along the Alau General Area. “We suddenly started seen fire from Dalori, Kaleri and Amarwa followed by continuous gunshots from these general area. “The Alfa jet was quickly deployed to the scene but the insurgents had taken over the villages as at that time,” one of the security source said. A resident of Amarwa, Goni Kachalla, who fled the attack amidst the onslaught by the insurgents, said they were shooting everybody and people fled in different directions. “I am yet to locate my family members,” Kachalla said, adding that the insurgents looted their belongings shouting Allahu Akbar and shooting everybody. Usma Grema, another victim of the attack said all houses in Kaleri were set ablaze by the attackers, adding that “the jet came and chased them away. I have lost everything.”


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